Guys and Dolls Print Order
A Moment Please......
After arriving at the Gallery, please use your 'Hound' as the focal point for your 'Like' of an image.
Unless requested otherwise, the vast majority of our processed and finished photographs have people, leashes and harnesses removed from the final image.
Some even have a new location background added, if needed.
Once purchased, we will bring your selection into the studio for processing prior to delivery. This process involves applying white balance, color toning, object removal and the introduction of artistic effects.
The image/s will then be sent to you via email, as a Digital File. You are free to use this file for reproduction as prints, holiday cards, posters or promotional items.
(We ask only that you credit LakehousePhoto.Net when using the image in publications or print.)
Thank you for stopping by, we look forward to seeing your Hound on the Studio Big Screen.
Cheers, Wizard